Decoupling tests from code

If the structure of the tests follows the structure of the production code, then the tests are inextricably coupled to the production code – and they follow the sinister red picture on the left!

It, frankly, took me many years to realize this. If you look at the structure of FitNesse, which we began writing in 2001, you will see a strong one-to-one correspondence between the test classes and the production code classes. Indeed, I used to tout this as an advantage because I could find every unit test by simply putting the word “Test” after the class that was being tested.

And, of course, we experienced some of the problems that you would expect with such a sinister design. We had fragile tests. We had structures made rigid by the tests. We felt the pain of TDD. And, after several years, we started to understand that the cause of that pain was that we were not designing our tests to be decoupled.

Source: TDD Harms Architecture by Robert C. Martin, The Clean Code Blog

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